Consistent Lead Generation

Consistent Lead Generation

By Doug Spurling


It’s probably the most common question we hear from fellow fitness professionals…


“How do I get more leads?”


Let me start with this….

How many of you have packed gyms right now?

If you work with the general population, particularly more female-based, your gym is probably mobbed right now.

The kids are back in school, people are back into a routine after the summer, and you may or may not be in the middle of a Transformation Challenge.

Sounds cool, right?


Well, what are you doing for marketing today?



That’s usually what I see as the gap with consistent lead generation.


When things are quiet in the gym, you slingshot market, and then when the gym gets busy, you stop marketing.


Here’s how we consistently generate 50, 60, and 70+ leads per month, year round.


We follow Pat Rigsby’s marketing blueprint:

  1. Know your target market, and speak to them.
  2. Have a unique message
  3. Have a nurturing plan across 3 channels
  4. Have 3 offers: lead magnet, evergreen, and deadline driven.


So here’s what it may look like AFTER you’ve defined your target market and your unique message.

If you don’t have that clearly defined, you need to start there.

From there, we approach marketing and lead generation as an everyday thing.


Every single day we do the following 5 things:

  1. Every day an email gets written to our list
  2. Every day that email gets copied over as a blog post on our website and shared on social.
  3. Every day, we post a picture/testimonial/video, some piece of content on our Facebook page, and boost it to our audience we’ve defined as our target market
  4. Every day we ask for referrals at point of sale
  5. Every day we have an offer out there, whether it’s the free lead magnet to get the email every day, an evergreen FEO like a 28 Day Kickstart, or a deadline driven offer like joining our challenge.


The key there?

Every damn day!


The key to consistent lead generation is, you guessed it, being consistent.


None of the above you have heard for the first time, it’s not rocket science.

It’s excellence in the ordinary things.

It’s showing up, every single day.

I always tell biz owners, there will not be a single day that every female between the age of 30-60 that lives within a 12-mile radius doesn’t see something from us.

We show up every single day, add value, and give them an offer that solves their problem.


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