Ideal Business Show with Tim Borys

Ideal Business Show with Tim Borys



Tim Borys is a master at sparking passion and positive change in those around him. He created his 4 Pillars Philosophy of Personal Performance to help people take ownership of their personal success, contribute their best work to society, and live a long, vibrant, and fulfilling life! Tim has been speaking, presenting, and consulting for over 15 years, to organizations across North America. His entertaining, engaging, and practical approach to speaking and coaching brings his audience on a fun, informative, and often humorous journey that positively transforms lives and greatly contributes to the success of companies that apply his 4 Pillars Philosophy.

Tim got started in the fitness industry as an athlete playing baseball at the national and international level throughout university, where he studied kinesiology.

He was a gym monitor in high school and feels it was a national transition for him to eventually start his own business in personal training. He admits he made a number of mistakes in the process though.

“There was a premium to be put on being able to make the decisions and the mistakes, rather than just showing up and having someone else tell you what to do.”

Tim’s motivation for starting his business was to try new things that we’re being done in the health and wellness market, and to do less 1-on-1 training. This led to him creating his workplace wellness program and fitness center consulting for corporations.

He realized that when you first get into the industry you’re able to try a lot of different things, but as you get busier you have to be aware of where your time is best spent, and focus on those activities.

“You want to make sure you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, and what you’re out there to accomplish.”

In the near future, Tim wants to focus on developing the online side of his business and to promote the concepts in his book through speaking engagements in order to take his message to a wider audience.

One of the biggest lessons he’s learned is to just do what you’re passionate about. Start something you enjoy and love to do. He admits that a big part of success is continuous learning and not thinking that you already know everything there is to know. He also is a big fan of experimentation, and not being afraid to fail as you will learn from it.

He also recommends that entrepreneurs invest in coaching and to attend conferences, mastermind meetings and live events.

“It just renews your excitement for growing and accelerating your business!”


The 15 Minute Ideal Business Planner

Building your Ideal Business isn’t a fantasy or a dream. It’s the result of designing what you want your business to be and then taking daily steps to create it. It is really that simple and the 15 Minute Ideal Business Planner will help you create the roadmap you need to reach both your personal and professional goals.


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